Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The poem I wanted to post on 23/06/2006

I came across a few lines on forgetfulness in an issue of ' DESH' quite a few weeks ago. This isue was not available among the copies I have at Parnasree . Fortunately, with Suman's help , I could get those few lines . The poet , Utpal Kumar Basu , has captured the relationship between age and forgetfulness without any negative expression. Please read on :

from SUKHER DUKHER SATHEE,Utpal Kumar Basu

I have translated these lines -- what can be termed as ' bhabanubad' :

Cannot recollect which song you sang, what was the tune.
Now Forgetfulness , like a dear housekeeper keeps my household clean

My clothes are stacked in the cupboard
With a little help from her, surroundings get filled up with sunset (colours).*

The alternatives of the lastline catches the meaning as well : Twilight fills up all four sides OR Sunset colours all four sides.

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